Jordan Wilson



Hello There!

If you didn’t know already my name is Jordan Wilson. I am a current QA Engineer at Infovisa located in Charlotte, NC. The duties of my job include the creation of tests and identifying any bugs or errors found and documenting them afterwards; Developing and running new tests; and collaborating with Software Developers to fix programming issues. Within the realm of Computer Science, I have a passion for security. I have some penetration testing knowledge with the use of using shells, SQL injection, and hacking web applications as I have done a few CTF’s. I have learned various skills from my coursework allowing me to have an extensive knowledge and understanding of the different types of opportunities that may be open to me. Not only have I coded in multiple languages such as Python, C, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS etc.. but I have databases knowledge working with SQlite3, Django, MongoDB, and Cassandra. I received my B.S. in Computer Science from Allegheny College in May 2021.